01508 520359info@cc-trust.co.uk@ClarionCoTrust

You should expect to receive a response to your query within 24 hours and full resolution (where possible) within 5 working days.

You should expect to receive a response to your query within 24 hours and full resolution (where possible) within 5 working days.

Our Schools

Our Schools

The Clarion Corvus Trust includes the following schools:


Hobart High School

Kittens Lane
NR14 6JU

Head of School: Mr Ross Li-Rocchi

Tel: 01508 520359
Email: office@hobart.org.uk
Click here to visit website

Pakefield Logo HI RES

Pakefield High School

NR33 7AQ

Headteacher: Mr Dan Bagshaw

Tel: 01502 530750
Email: info@pakefield.org.uk
Click here to visit website


Aslacton Primary School

Church Road
Norwich, Norfolk
NR15 2JH

Headteacher: Mrs Heather Haines

Tel: 01379 677345
Email: office@aslacton.norfolk.sch.uk
Click here to visit website

Manor Field

Manor Field Infant and Nursery School

Manor Road
Long Stratton
Norwich, Norfolk
NR15 2XR

Headteacher: Mrs Heather Haines

Tel: 01508 530356
Email: office@manorfield.org
Click here to visit website

New Thurlton Logo

Thurlton Primary School

Church Road,
Norwich, Norfolk,
NR14 6RN

Headteacher: Mrs Jess Balado

Tel: 01508 548318
Email: office@thurlton.norfolk.sch.uk
Click here to visit website

Watton Westfield

Watton Junior School

Brandon Road,
IP25 6AL

Headteacher: Mrs Helen Kemp

Tel: 01953 881387
Email: office.wjs@wattonjunior.org
Click here to visit website

Watton Westfield

Watton Westfield Infant and Nursery School

West Rd
Norfolk IP25 6AU

Headteacher: Mrs Helen Kemp

Tel: 01953 882669
Email: office@wattonwestfield.org
Click here to visit website


Clarion Corvus Trust

Teaching and Learning – all teaching should be of the highest standard. Excellent schools have excellent teachers. We will achieve this through extensive CPD, research based improvement programmes, robust accountability, collaboration and support.

Pakefield_HS (10)

Clarion Corvus Trust

Support, Care and Guidance – all children should feel safe, valued and inspired. We place a strong emphasis on student voice and this will play a vital role in the work of our pastoral teams.


Clarion Corvus Trust

Facilities and Resources – through robust and thorough financial management, we will secure high quality resources and facilities that will provide all our students and pupils with high quality and well-resourced learning environments.


Clarion Corvus Trust

Curriculum – all our academies will deliver a curriculum that is both relevant and engaging. The young people who leave our academies will have the knowledge, skills and experience to go on to be successful and productive members of the community.


Clarion Corvus Trust

Enrichment and Experiences – we passionately believe that education is not just about what happens in the classroom. We will provide opportunities for young people to experience the world outside the classroom that will inspire, engage and enrich.

Our schools

The Clarion Corvus Trust is a multi-academy and primary school Trust in the East of England. We aspire to excellence in all aspects of our practice. Mutual support, collaboration and challenge are key to our success. Raising standards for teaching and learning is at the core of all we do; providing students, pupils and staff with the opportunity to thrive, flourish and excel. This is a common vision for all our academies, no matter what their setting, context or circumstances.

Our schools

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